Thursday, June 17, 2010

Year End Reflection: Part One

What project was most valuable to you, and what have you gained from it?

The most valuable project for me this year has definetley been Ampersand. I have learned a lot about how I work with other people thanks to this project. I had already known that I tend to take a leadership role during projects, but I never realized how over-bearing I will often become. I realized fairly quickly that when a group of people all need to work on one computer, if I'm not the one actually using the computer, I get very stressed out and start trying to plan how to force the other person out of the chair so that I can work. I am really glad that I have realized this about myself because if I hadn't I would probably continue acting this way in both projects and in life in general. Since I realized this, I have already caught myself being a complete control-freak at rowing and at my house, so now that I know about this problem I can improve myself. I have already started by asking my teammates their opinions on smaller details such as if one layout should have a black box in it or not, and things such as that. I can only grow and improve from here.

What is your greatest strength as a student in a project-based learning environment?

I really enjoy doing hard work, especially when it comes to building something or creating a physical product, that is part of the reason why I enjoyed Ampersand so much. Since I knew that my Ampersand article would be going into a book that anybody could view, I really felt motivated to put my all into it. I wrote as many drafts as possible, not just the required amount. I also immediately asked to be a managing editor so that I could take on as much responsibility as possible. When I was chosen to be a managing editor, I was thrilled because I was getting the chance to work hard and create as great of a product as I possibly could.

What challenges do you face as a student in a project-based learning environment?

Whenever I work on a group project, I usually have a hard time listening to my group. I often get so hung up on the way "I want things to be done" that whenever my group members come up with an idea, I will often try to brush it off or find a way around it. This was definitely apparent during the editing process of Ampersand. I would occasionally ask my teammates, "Do you like this image better here, or here?" and I would try to take their advice as much as possible. But when it came to letting them do the editing themselves, I couldn't handle it. I kept saying, "I made that edit in the book, do you want me to make it on the computer?" and "I know how to do that. Move over, I'll show you". I have realized this problem, (basically I'm a control freak) and I am trying to incorporate my team-mates ideas more, but I still find myself trying to go with "my idea(s)" as much as possible.

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