Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1) Blog #9 Article

-This is from an article explaining how Mission Bay is now safe for people to swim in with only a slight chance of them getting sick. It mentions a few studies and tests done to get this information.

-"The study contradicts a popular notion that Mission Bay is unsafe for use most of the year. The idea originated in the 1980s when Mission Bay experienced many sewage overflows and pollution from storm drains throughout the year."

2) Blog #23 Article

-This article is about a recent discovery about the staph infection, MRSA. It talks about the percentage of children and teenagers that have died from MRSA.

-"Half of patients infected with the new strain of MRSA(methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus) died within 30 days, says Carol Moore, PharmD, a research investigator in infectious diseases at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit..."

3) Audrey's Blog

-This article is mainly about a clean-up that was done at a beach. It goes over different items that were found during the clean-up, so it really lets us know what to look out for and what our littering does to our planet.

-"Cigarette butts, plastic bags, water bottles, Styrofoam chunks, Flip-flops, medicine bottles, netting, thousands of random pieces of plastic. Nobody's picture of paradise. Yet, day after day, it finds its way onto otherwise beautiful South Florida beaches. Cleaning it all up just about requires a small army."

4) Scientists Document How Manuka Honey Fights Superbugs

-This article is about a new discovery that can help treat MRSA, (it's really hard to treat since antibiotics don't work on it unless they are extremely strong). It talks a lot about how they discovered this "cure". Also, it talks about some of the things that MRSA causes. Since MRSA is a big part of my topic, this article is very helpful.

-(NaturalNews) When infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs, are in the mainstream news there's usually a sense of panic connected to the story. After all, this type of infection is spreading and can be life-threatening. For example, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain of staph that's become resistant to broad-spectrum antibiotics. MRSA can cause everything from swollen, painful boils to pneumonia, bloodstream infections and surgical wound infections that are lethal. And standard Western medicine has mostly run out of antibiotics to treat these potentially deadly health woes.

5) Mission Bay Water Quality

-This is a research paper all about a research project conducted including Mission Bay and two or three other local bodies of water. It describes what the water was like when they first started testing it and what it was like after they attempted cleaning it up.

-"The Mission Bay Water Quality Survey, initiated by the City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department in 2001, collected data from 14 stations within the RCW (Figure 8-1). The focus of this monitoring has been on bacterial contaminants, but other physical and chemical analytes have been collected as well. This program collected weekly samples during both dry and wet weather conditions for 36-months."

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