Friday, November 13, 2009

MRSA Article

"Nov. 2, 2009 (Philadelphia) -- A newly discovered strain of drug-resistant staph bacteria is five times more deadly than other strains, a new study suggests.

Adding insult to injury, the new superbug appears to have some resistance to the antibiotic commonly used to treat it, researchers report.

Half of patients infected with the new strain of MRSA (methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus) died within 30 days, says Carol Moore, PharmD, a research investigator in infectious diseases at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit..."

1) This article is about a recent discovery about the staph infection, MRSA. It talks about the percentage of children and teenagers that have died from MRSA. It gives a lot of statistics about MRSA, (in teens specifically) and it talks a lot about deaths and permanent injuries cause by MRSA.

2) It has a lot of statistics about MRSA. Deaths caused by it, how many people get it etc. Also, it gives a bit of advice on how to both prevent and treat MRSA properly, which is extremely helpful for my topic.

3) It doesn't mention how many people have gotten it in the past year, it just mentions what percentage of people were seriously effected by it. Also, it would be nice if it had mentioned how many people got MRSA from swimming or being in polluted water, but it didn't mention that either.

4) My entire project is based on people getting MRSA. A lot of my friends have had MRSA, so I wanted to study it further and find out how the water, (Mission Bay in particular) has played into that. I need statistics about people that have gotten MRSA, (teenagers in particular) so this article is perfect.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

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