Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Media Saves Mission Bay, Part One

I think that Mission Bay would be a great place to look at when it comes to water pollution. I know that Mission Bay isn't technically a "beach", but a lot of people enjoy going there for weekends and vacation. A lot of water sports take place at Mission Bay, such as my sport, rowing. People don't usually seem to realize that they can, (and have) get sick or get infections because of the water in the bay.

I would love to make a video about the bay since it is an important place to me and I would like to see it get taken better care of. I've had to pick up plastic bags and glass bottles from the bay multiple times and I've been able to actually see oil in the bay before. I don't want to see the bay treated this way since it is such an important place to me, and I want the pollution of it to stop.

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