Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photography Techniques

Side Lighting: Where lighting comes from only one side of the image. This can help give the image a slightly serious look, which is similar to some of Chris Thile's images. I think that it could help understand the type of music Chris Thile makes along with the fact that it makes for a nice effect.

Rule of Thirds: Where the screen is divided into nine squares so that you can choose which section of the image you want your focus point to be at. I think that this will help my photo look more professional since my image wouldn't be up in a random area or take up only a little piece of the image.

Posed Portraits: Posing for an image. I want to make my picture look very similar to one I have of Chris Thile. Since I have an image in my head of what I want already, I think that it would be good to actually pose for the picture.

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