Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I discovered that I don't like writing about myself. It's hard for me and I don't enjoy doing it. My writing seems very childish and unprofessional when I have to write about myself and I think that if I wanted my writing to actually be something that I considered to be one of my better pieces of writing, then I would have needed to make a lot more drafts than I did. Also, I think it would have come out much better if I had more time to work on it.

I tried to stay away from "-ing" words. I replaced most of those words with "-ed" words etc. I think it helped my writing flow better, which is always a good thing. Also, I tried to make my writing a "concert" not a "pancake", (but I have a feeling that everybody tried to do that). There were definitely parts in my writing that could have been MUCH better, but in the end, I think it turned out alright. There were a lot of very, for lack of better words, cheesy parts to my artist statement. I used lines such as, "I felt inspired to do my best" and "I try my hardest to be a good person" and things like that. If I had a lot of time, (and a big red pen) to make a third draft, I would want to get rid of all of those lines and replace them with something a bit deeper.

"A mandolin, a beautiful little instrument with the most incredible sound in the world that nobody knows about." I am particularly proud of this line because not only was it written better than most of the lines in my artist statement, but it really showed that I was interested in the mandolin, since so few people do know what it is. I think it gives people a good idea of what a mandolin is and why I like it so much.

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