Friday, October 16, 2009

Media Saves Mission Bay, Part Five

A documentary video that addresses the question: How common is it for people to get infections from Mission Bay?

I like the film "The Plastic Gyre". Even though it's studen
t work, I think that it is a great example of a short documentary.

-The script is very well written and well thought out. I want to work on re-writing and revising my script as many times as possible so that I can have a film that people can easily understand and learn from.

-The film work was well planned. Each scene looked like it had been story-boarded and planned out ahead of time. They never just took a camera and started to film something random, they planned out each scene which is what I want to do. That way I can have a well produced film.

-The statistics and facts are incredibly helpful. They don't over-power the entire film, but there are enough facts to show evidence behind what the film-maker was talking about. I want to make sure that I can find a good amount of important and relevant facts. That way there will be evidence behind my film and people will find it of interest.

A photo essay that addresses the question: How common is it for people to get infections from Mission Bay?

-Well angled. All of the important aspects of the picture are included, (sewage pipe, sewage in the water, sewage pipe coming out of the cliff etc.) I want to take a good picture that includes all important aspects of the scene like this one does.

-Lighting. The lighting is just right in this picture, it's not too bright or too dark, causing the picture to lose color. I want to take a picture that shows off all of the color like this one does, (the green sewage is very important).

-Well planned. This was obviously not the "first draft". This picture looks like it had probably been taken multiple times until it came out just right. I want to draft and revise my pictures the same way, so that I may have the highest quality product I possibly can.

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