Thursday, October 15, 2009

Media Saves Mission Bay, Part Four

-How common is it for people to get infections from Mission Bay?

-What could be a possible cause of infection, (from the bay)?
-How dirty is Mission Bay compared to other bodies of water in San Diego?
-What other illnesses have people gotten from Mission Bay?

This is a pie chart explaining the different types and percentages of contamination in Mission Bay. The majority of the contamination comes from birds, but there is still a large percentage that comes from other sources as well. This can help give an idea as to what type of bacteria might be in the water and where it came from etc.

This is a picture of my
friend's knee. She rows on Mission Bay daily and she ended up contracting a staff infection called MRSA. MRSA is more than a simple infection, had the infection spread into the joints of her knees she wouldn't be able to walk again. Several of my friends have contracted this infection, but the girl in the picture to the right was affected the worse. The infection spread to multiple parts of her body since it got into her blood stream. She and my other friends who got MRSA are the reasons why I want to study what infections could be in Mission Bay now.

This is a chart showing how many people have both gotten and died from MRSA, (it can be lethal if left untreated). This graph is not specific to Mission Bay, but it does help give a general idea of how serious MRSA can be, considering that the majority of the people who got it died.

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