Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MSB Comments/Ideas/Critiques and More!!!

Shanna McCue

From Shanna's blog, I thought it was interesting that she had three very different subtopics to her original question. I think it is a smart idea to have three main topics to work off of that are so different. That way she can follow an exact timeline and keep her audience interested.

Audrey Le

From Audrey's blog, I thought she asked a good question when she asked, "What are the helping organisms and hurting organisms?" I never really thought to ask about which organisms from the water might actually help us. I have been paying attention to nothing but the bad parts of the water. I think that now I might want to pay attention to some helpful parts of the water.

Kyle Bray

From Kyle's blog, I thought it was interesting that he said, "What kinds of pollution are most common during these times?" It made me think about what might have been the main cause of pollution in the past. If we could find out what the main cause of pollution was in the past as compared to pollution now and the water quality from then and now, maybe we could find out how to solve some of our pollution problems.

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