Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Honors Writing Four

1) I feel that my time management skills have vastly improved by taking honors humanities this semester. I feel that the blog posts in particular have helped me the most because of the fact that you can see what time a blog post was made. Since we usually only have a short period of time to write an essay in, (shorter than I am used to anyway) it can be extremely obvious if an essay was written at the last minute because of the time that the blog was posted at. I learned very quickly this semester that if I wanted to succeed in humanities this year, I was going to have to schedule time to work on essays and other blog posts. Now, I am scheduling all of my assignments, not just the blog posts.

2) Because I wasn't used to the amount of time we were given to complete large assignments, I didn't do extremely well when it came to revising my work multiple times, which was one of my strengths last year. Over the course of the semester I have slowly gotten used to these shorter amounts of time given to work, so I have gotten better at finding time to draft and revise. If I got the chance to do this semester over again though, I would start the drafting and revising process much sooner.

3) I intend on taking a bit more time with my essays. Over the coarse of this semester, I have definitely improved on my time management when it came to my essays, but they still aren't quite where I want them to be. I want to create more than two drafts of an essay, drafting and revising used to be one of my best skills and I want to start using that skill again because it is so important in writing. Also, I do plan on shooting for an A again this next semester. I received one this last semester, so I believe that as I continue to improve on my writing, I shouldn't have too hard of a time reaching my goal(s).

4) I'm not really sure what I would pick. I have such a broad interest in both history and literature that I wouldn't really know what to pick. I like everything in history from the the American Revolution to Obama being elected president, and I love to read just about anything. If I had to pick a specific time in history to study I would probably look more into the thirties, i.e.. the great depression and WWII. I know that I studied WWII last year and I learned a little bit about the great depression, but that is just the most interesting time of history to me personally. The great depression and WWII both hugely affected my family, my grandma on my mom's side grew up right in the middle of the great depression and my grandpa on my dad's side died of nuclear radiation from atomic bomb testing, (we believe). So the late 20's through the early 40's are a very important time in history for my family in particular that I happen to find really interesting.

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