Friday, December 4, 2009

Into the Wild

Answering questions 2 and 3

2) I think he wouldn't agree. He seems like the type of person that would find a dangerous task even more exciting once somebody who had different views from him disagreed. If somebody exactly like him but much older that him said not to do something, he might listen to reason. I think that the statement is true personally, especially when it came to him, but I think the fact that an older person said it would immediately make him disagree.

3) I understand what that writer is saying, but I don't entirely agree. I agree that (had he survived) he would have been extremely lucky, but I do understand why he went into the woods and I find it amazing that he actually did it. He wanted to go on a trip of self discovery, and he also wanted to see everything the earth had to offer. I think that it would be amazing to go out into the woods, (and survive). He must have had some of the most amazing experiences possible. I hate what all his family had to go through after he died, but I don't think he was being selfish. He said in one of the final chapters that he was going to go home, but he ate some poisonous seeds, thus ending his life. In all honesty his death was one of the least miraculous parts of his life. I don't think he wanted, or expected, his family to be so hurt over his death. I think he figured they felt as little for him as he did for them. But in the end, even he admitted that he loved them and I don't think he ever expected them to go through that much pain.

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