Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Into the Wild: Part Two, Prompt One

Specific qualities that a person would have to have in order to pursue extreme adventures in the natural world would have to be a strong love of nature, self-motivation and knowledge about nature in general. Without these qualities, a person could never survive in the wild.

If you don't love nature, there probably wouldn't be a point of going into the wild to begin with. But if somebody didn't love nature and still went into the wild, they would be heading straight towards disaster. You would go out into the wild and most likely be driven to insanity by a mixture of the bugs, weather, altitude (depending on where you were in the world), wildlife in general and several other things. You have to be completely in love with nature before you can go into it.

Somebody who isn't self-motivated cold never survive in the wild because they wouldn't be able to fend for themselves. A lack of motivation can often lead a person to believing that they are incapable of doing certain things, such as finding their own food, setting up camp, even the ability to live. A lack of motivation can lead a person to laziness and if one is trying to live in a strange environment on their own where they have to find their own food and kill it, they might believe that they are unable to find their own food because it's "too hard". This can lead to starvation. If a person lacks motivation but realizes that they still need to eat, they might get lazy and eat something poisonous, which often leads to death.

The last thing that a person absolutely must have in order to survive in the wild would be previous knowledge of how nature works in general. If somebody walked into the woods completely unprepared for what awaited them, there is no doubt that they would suffer and most likely die. Lack of preparation and knowledge of how to survive in the wild can lead to freezing to death because they wouldn't know what equipment to bring for cold weather, starving to death because they wouldn't know which plants were edible and they might not have brought something to kill animals with, or they might end up dying from something such as being crushed by a boulder because they didn't know what gear to bring while climbing a mountain or drowning because they didn't think of the current. You have to understand how nature works before deciding to live in it.

A person planning to live in nature has to have these three qualities in order to survive. If they don't, they will most likely die of something completely avoidable such as poisoning, drowning, and even starving in some cases. A person must not only posses all three of these qualities, but they must be prepared for the worst. They need to realize that there is a strong possibility of something going wrong. If a person believes that they are invincible, getting hurt or sick will come as a shock to them which could cause them to suffer and struggle even more. A person needs to have a certain sense of mortality in order to go into the wild. Without a sense of their own mortality, a strong love of nature, self-motivation and knowledge about nature in general, walking into the wild will surely lead to death.

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