Thursday, January 7, 2010

Internship: Day One

Photos of the Day

My Desk

This is my desk. It is right at the entrance of the building, (usually used as the front desk).

Me working

This is a picture of myself working. I am currently looking through the San Diego Business Journal, trying to find new potential clients.

Professional dress

This is a picture of my mentor. Since she is the lead producer for videos made for businesses, I thought that she would be the perfect person to take a picture of to show the proper work attire.

What struck me

What struck me was how many awards my site had won. They had several awards for films they had made all lined up, I'm not sure how many. I was really amazed at how many there were and it really gave me an appreciation of the quality their work.

Interesting Experience

This is a picture of the San Diego Business Journal. This represents an interesting experience I had. Tatiana, (my mentor) taught me about how she found a lot of their clients by looking through the San Diego Business Journal.

Economic Questions

1) How does your internship site help the economy?
My internship site, (Bob Hoffman Video Productions, aka. BHVP) helps the economy because they make video brochures and commercials. By making these videos, companies are able to sell their products and services more effectively, which helps the economy.

2) How was your internship site affected by the economy?
My internship site was affected by the economy because a large portion of their client bases were businesses. Since a lot of businesses have been closing their doors and have had budget cuts, they haven't been spending their money on video advertising as much.

3) How was your internship site's client base affected by the economy?
My internship site's client base was only really affected when it came to videos being made for businesses. They also do films for weddings and parties, and no matter what the economy is there will always be people getting married. So, no matter what, they almost always have clients, (and a LOT of them!).

A day at the site

I got up around eight thirty in the morning and got ready to go fairly quickly. I had only been to my site once before, so I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get to Bob Hoffman Video Productions, (BHVP). I left my house at 9:00 and got to BHVP at 9:15, (my official start time). My mentor, Tatiana, showed me my new work station, (the front desk) then went over the mentor first day packet and filled out the required paperwork.

When we were done with the paperwork, we talked briefly about what all she wanted to see from me during my internship and what all I want to gain from the experience. We decided that half of my time there would be spent learning the business side of the company, and the other half of my time would be spent in the actual editing and filming process.

I helped her look through magazines where she finds her potential clients until lunch time, at which point she left for a while as I ate my lunch, (I brought my lunch with me). Once I was done with my lunch, I watched one of the employees work for a while, (sending emails, managing who all owed what etc.) until it was time for me to leave, (3:30).

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