Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Internship: Day Eight

Prompt 2: What new appreciations (for who? of what?) have you gained through internship that you did not have before? How did you develop these appreciations?

I never really took into consideration how by doing something that seems insignificant at the time can really help out a company in multiple ways.

What I mean by that is, my project at my internship site involves me creating and putting together the company's Valentine's Day mailer. Since I enjoy Photoshop and writing, I really didn't think of it as work to be completely honest, I thought of it as something fun to do that may hopefully be of use to the company. It wasn't until I went into the budget meetings, ran back and forth from my internship to the print shop that was making the cards for the mailer, got everything that was going in the mailer and put the whole thing together that I realized how much work I was actually doing.

What was really interesting was that I realized that normally the people at my site would either have to hire someone to put the mailer together, )which takes money) or put them together themselves, (which takes time AND money). Also, these mailers are an important part of their marketing campaign.

When I first started working on this project, I thought it was just convenient that I liked Photoshop so I could make a card for Valentine's Day. I now realize and appreciate the fact that these mailers are more than greeting cards. They go into the budget, time has to be made to create them, they are a huge part of the marketing campaign and it can actually take a pretty long time to finish. I'm really glad that this is my project because I feel that I am really helping the company out by making these cards, (mailers).

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