Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship: Day Nine

My mentor,(Tatiana) didn't grow up in San Diego. She grew up in Santa Cruz, she also went to UC Santa Cruz, (along with both the owner of the company and his wife). She originally studied to be a film editor, she is now a producer.

Either during a break from college or after she graduated, my mentor went to New York to, ironically, serve an internship at a film studio. Her mentor had a very similar job as she does now, which I believe is why she ended up becoming a producer herself.

Tatiana never intended on staying in San Diego for any length of time. She came to San Diego for a brief period of time and I believe she was just looking for a job that she could get a bit more experience from before going back Santa Cruz. But, she found a job at Bob Hoffman Video Productions and decided to stay permanently.

Also, she just got engaged.

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