Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Internship: Day Five

Project title: It hasn't been decided quite yet.

Project description: It hasn't been decided quite yet.

Project schedule: My mentor has been fairly busy for the past few days so we haven't been able to discuss what my official project is going to be yet.

Materials & Equipment needed: Probably a computer with Photoshop or Final Cut Pro, but I won't know for sure until I know what my official project is.

Project documentation: Most likely my final project will have something to do with a film being made for a specific person, (or multiple people) in which case I don't really think I would be able to "keep" my final project or document it in a way that I can share it with people. If I'm not doing that, I will probably have print-outs of the drafts of my work, (ie. all of the drafts I have for the Valentine's Day mailer).

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