Thursday, January 28, 2010

Internship: Day Fourteen

Name: Tatiana R
Position: Corporate Manager\Producer
Work Place: Bob Hoffman Video Productions
Location of Work: Kearny Mesa, (first office when entering the building)

-Why did you decide to stay in San Diego?

Tatiana stayed in San Diego because she grew to enjoy her job and life here. She wasn't planning on staying in San Diego for any length of time but things just sort of worked out that way. She is considering moving though, possibly back to Santa Cruz.

-Why did you decide to come to San Diego?

She was looking for job opportunities and decided to come to San Diego for a brief period of time. She ended up staying here when she got a job at Bob Hoffman Video Productions, (BHVP).

-How did you find out about the internship in New York?

She had decided to look for an internship so that she could get more experience working in her chosen field. She ended up finding out about the one in New York during her search because it matched what she was looking for in an internship. Her internship was very similar to my own and her mentor basically had the same job she has now.

-How old were you when you decided you wanted to get involved in film making?

I never really got an answer to this question. I knew that she was studying to be a film editor by the time she was in college and I believe that I heard her mention that she started getting interested in film either in her later years of high school or early college years.

-Did you decide to be a producer because of your mentor, or were there other deciding factors?

I believe that her mentor in New York had a bit to do with he deciding factor, but more than anything I think that it was because BHVP needed a producer, not an editor. This is probably also part of the reason that she was only planning on staying in San Diego for a short period of time. She ended up really enjoying her job though.

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