Monday, January 11, 2010

Internship: Day Three

I would like to get a few more business related skills. Since I plan on opening up my own film company one day, I need to know how to run a successful business. I already know quite a bit about film making in general, so learning a few things about business would be helpful, (ie. book-keeping, getting necessary resources for the company etc.)

I am interested in pretty much every aspect of my internship. People are editing, producing, and doing pretty much everything film based which is everything I love. I would be happy learning about and working in any area of my site. As I said before though, since I do know the most about film making already, I think that it would be good for me to learn more about the business side of the company.

Since I do know quite a bit about film editing and photoshop, I could probably help out on smaller projects or I could work on smaller parts of projects. Also, since I do know quite a bit about photoshop, I have already helped out by creating a basic design for the postcard that the company will be sending out for Valentine's day.

So far, my mentor and I have only talked a little bit about my project, but we are currently thinking that I might be able to work as an editor's assistant or a producer's assistant. That way, I might be able to edit a film more than it would have been originally, but we haven't talked about that very much yet.

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