Sunday, January 31, 2010

Internship: Last Day

Personal Life

1) My desk\ where I would start my day and often eat my lunch

2) My new desk\where I did the majority of my film editing and other work

Significant Learning Experience

The most significant learning experience for me during my internship was probably when I was trying to figure out how to change the format of an image on Final Cut Pro from standard to wide-screen. I remember that I had asked one of the editors if he knew how I could change it, and the next thing I knew all of the editors there were crowded around the computer experimenting with different filters and size adjustments etc. When they were doing this, I realized that we were all learning at the same time, we were going through everything from trying to change it from standard to wide-screen, changing the color of the film itself, and how to make the footage look less shaky. This moment sticks out in my mind vividly because I just remember how I was learning along with everyone and how suddenly, the problem that had been stressing me out before, suddenly became fun.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your use of perspective and rule of thirds, but I think you should have taken another step back--for the first picture you should have gotten the whole "Bob Hoffman" logo, and for the second you could have not cropped off the top of the computer. I like how at your workplace you were learning with your mentor and co workers.
