Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship: Day Ten

I have really enjoyed working on my project. I have been learning about multiple sides to the film business through my project, which is exactly what I wanted. So far, I have learned about accounting, managing, scheduling and several other things just by making a Valentine's Day mailer.

I think the hardest part for me was a brief moment when I didn't have anything to do because I had finished up a large part of my project. I was given something to do again fairly quickly, but going from non-stop work to having nothing to do was actually a very strange and slightly unnerving feeling.

I think the most memorable moment for me was during a meeting I was having with my mentor and one of the other women that works there, (who is also the owner's wife). We were discussing what my project would be and how I was doing so far, and they told me that they kept forgetting that I was in high school because I didn't "act like a normal teenager". They also told me that I was doing a really good job and that I was also helping their company, rather than making their lives more difficult. That was honestly one of the highest compliments anyone has ever given me and I was really touched by that moment.

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