Sunday, January 10, 2010

Internship: Day Two

So far, I have tried to offer my help as much as possible. I realize that everyone there is extremely busy, so I try not to interrupt their work if I don't have to, but I am trying to complete all of my tasks to the best of my abilities by going over things twice and trying to think of how I can expand on a task given to me. Also, I have tried to help out with little things as well, such as putting papers away and putting website addresses on postcards.

I haven't done a lot in this area quite yet, right now I'm just trying to get situated and show that I am willing to help out with pretty much anything they need help with. When they ask for my opinion on something, I do try to give it, so that could help get me opportunities.

More than anything I think I have shown that I like working and that I know how to finish work quickly. I think that my mentor knows that I like to work so she is starting to give me more and more tasks each time I come in. This also gives me more things to do throughout the day, which is good too.

I think that once my mentor and I come up with an official "internship project" for me to complete, my internship will be even better because I will be actively working on something the entire time I am there. Also, I think I need to overcome my shyness a bit and put myself out there a bit more, because right now whenever I complete a task I am so worried about interrupting my mentor I usually wait until she leaves her office to tell her that I finished my work.

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