Friday, January 29, 2010

Internship: Day Fifteen


This is a picture of basically every recording device known to man. These decks can transfer VHS to DVD, DVD to BluRay etc. Also, they can make duplicates of DVDs, which really comes in hand if we don't have the original file for something.

In this picture, there is a computer, a bunch of blank DVDs and BluRay disks, a phone, and two machines that burn and put labels on disks. The computer is used for editing and creating images mainly, but it can do other things as well, (as most computers can). The phone is for calling people and paging people in the office, the blank disks are there to have media files and other information stored on them. And finally, the two machines on each end of the picture. They are use, (I think) for both burning disks and putting labels on them, (it's really interesting to watch).

In this picture, the program Final Cut Pro is open. Final Cut Pro is one of the, (if not the) most used film editing software in companies today. It's a really great program and I have used it a lot at my internship. It's a really important tool for any film company, (or you could also use Avid, which is basically the original Final Cut Pro, but for PCs).

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