Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Internship: Day Thirteen


Step One

This image shows a lot of papers, video equipment etc. On the papers are a lot of notes about what all my mentor and other employees wanted to see in a demo video I am currently making. All of the footage had been take previously, so that is why on the screen of the computer it is showing some of that footage, (since I was going through it at that point). The video equipment around me are mainly just tapes, wires, external hard-drives and a camera I was capturing off of. These were the "first steps" I had to take in editing this particular film.

Step Two

This is a picture of footage that I am currently in the process of editing. After taking all of the notes I was given, I started putting this film together. I had already captured all of the segments that I needed and since I was working off of previously edited film, I was able to find what clips I needed very easily. This particular photo was of the film before I added in any music or made any serious edits, so it was still pretty rough at this point.

Step Three

In this picture, there are a lot of pens, papers, tapes and a computer. This is where the revision process takes place. After adding in music, making detail-oriented changes and more, my mentor, (or whoever is technically in charge of the project) comes over and watches the entire film through. With the pens and paper, she writes down further revisions that she feels need to be made to the film. In this case, she actually wanted me to add a clip that I hadn't captured to the computer, which is the reason for the tapes being there. Sometimes, the best way to revise something is by going back to the beginning.

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