Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Honors History Writing One

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to you because the country is in a crises. Th American people are aware of your efforts to end this "Great Recession" but they want to see more action. Mr. President you need to get Congress on your side. Without Congress, bills cannot be passed and progress cannot be made, Congress needs to be aware that by working with you instead of against you, only then can this recession end. We can no longer fight against each other, Republican vs. Democrats. We are even fighting within the walls of the white house themselves, and if this struggle for power continues we cannot make progress. In your next speech to the public, this should be your main point, for we are all Americans and without one another we are nothing.

After Congress agrees to be cooperative, you must then go back to the people. Make them realize that they need you and that they can trust you. You are their leader, America's voice. Show them that they can trust you, keep your promises and make change. Have a speech speaking straight to the public, discuss your plans to take immediate action by making new policies and organizations, discuss the recession. This is no longer a subject that we can try to ignore, the people need to know what is going to happen to their economy. Speak directly to the people, then in front of the entire country request Congress's cooperation. Remind Congress and your people that a Country divided is a country sure to fail. Only together can we make America the great land it once was.

Lastly Mr. President, you must speak directly to the banks. This free-for-all they have been having with loans is ridiculous and must be stopped. If a 15% down-payment cannot be put on a home then the home should not be purchased. It is better for the bank to make a person wait a few years to get their dream home than to give them their dream home, take it away from them and repossess their entire livelihood. Laws are made for a reason Mr. President, it's time that we start following them.

Thank you Mr. President. I realize that you time is precious, so we must get to work immediately to save our country. I will do my best Mr. President as I know you will too. Thank you for your time.


Madison McGaughy

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