Thursday, March 11, 2010

Semester Two; Blog Twelve

"Public Works Projects" were government run projects that were created to benefit the public. Some Public Works Projects were things such as the NRA (National Recovery Act) which gave the government control over pricing of products and insurance etc. Our current government is trying to do something similar because they want to set the prices of insurance and medical prices rather than have the hospitals and health care services set the prices. This project had been outlawed in 1934 though, because people felt that it gave too much power to the president. Another one of these projects was the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) which helped to provide jobs to people during the Great Depression. I also believe that Social Security counts as a Public Works Project.

I think that a new version of the NRA should be created because right now too many companies are being unfair with their prices which causes a problem for both the consumer and for the companies. If they keep changing their prices they are going to lose customers which would be a huge problem for the companies and would cause more places to go out of business. If the government made set prices for CERTAIN companies, (such as health care etc.) then a lot of problems could probably be solved, (and more people could get health care). Also, Social Security needs to be fixed. When it was first created Social Security was an amazing thing. Once the banks started giving out bad loans again though, there wasn't much "security" at all.

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