Thursday, February 11, 2010

Semester Two; Ampersand is Coming!

My personal goals for this book are just to write a polished piece that will keep people's interest. I don't want to just write, "My internship was as follows: On day one I did..." I want to create something that will keep somebody's interest. Talking about what all I did could keep a person's interest for a paragraph or two, but not two-three pages. I think that creating something like a fictional story or maybe even a satirical piece would be good. So, answering the question, I want to create a well-edited piece that will be both humorous and informative.

I have a lot of hopes for the class. I hope that, (most importantly) everybody will turn in their work on time and completely revised, but after that I hope that the layout looks good. For the book in general, the layout has to look, if it doesn't that will often turn people off from the book itself. Plus, I hope that everybody takes pride in their writing and really try to create something interesting to read, rather than just saying, "Oh, it's just a project". I really hope that I will be able to open the book and no mater what page I land on, I will always find something interesting to read. Those are my hopes for the class.

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