Thursday, February 25, 2010

Semester Two; Blog Eight

I believe that FDR and President Obama are taking similar presidents because they created similar stimulus packages, they fell into a bad economy, and they made similar decisions when trying to fix the economy, (all while trying to maintain popularity with the country).

FDR, (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) came into office in 1933, not long after the stock market crash. Hoover had denied a stimulus package that would give state officials $500 million each, which FDR didn't agree with. He fought for the bill and eventually passed it, saving multiple businesses throughout the country. Not long ago, a similar package know as the $7 million bailout was created and approved by president Obama. Their actions were extremely similar on this topic.

FDR and President Obama didn't create the financial issues in America during their time as president, bad situations and poor governing in previous years had led to the downfall of America's economy. With Herbert Hoover in office, America fell into the Great Depression. With George W. Bush in office, America fell into the great recession. Neither presidents asked for the economic state that they were given, but they both knew that they had to be pro-active and keep their country calm and at-ease at the same time.

President Obama and FDR seem to be making a lot of the same decisions, but one main similarity between the two is their outstanding popularity. FDR became popular because of his kind demeanor and pro-active attitude. Obama became popular because of his strong, believable speeches and pro-active attitude. The two of them give off a confident yet humble air that is very comforting for a person to feel.

I believe that the two presidents are exceedingly similar so hopefully we will be able to pull out of this recession with ease. I believe that Obama has probably been following the set be FDR. I also believe that their wives were similar too.

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