Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Semester Two; Blog Seven

Considering that I worked at a film company for my internship, I highly doubt that it would have survived during the Great Depression considering that film was still fairly new at that point and I don't believe that "Home Movies" were exactly a known thing at the time.

With that being said, considering that my internship was a well run, smaller business, I actually think that it could have survived. It was a lot of the larger companies that seemed to get hit really hard, because so many of the employees didn't know what to do once their salary was cut back or they were laid off, (a large number of the suicides during the Great Depression were from people that worked in big businesses that crashed). Since the site that I worked at kept a good budget and didn't spend more than they had too, plus they always had new ideas for marketing, I think they probably would have done alright in the Depression.

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